We welcome dogs and other pets in our park under the following conditions:

  • Pets are not permitted in cabins (Except those cabins specified by Park Management). Evidence of Pets in Non-Pet Friendly Cabins will incur a minimum cleaning fee of $100

  • Inside Pet Friendly Cabins, pets are not permitted on bedding or furniture (costs may be incurred for evidence of this condition not being complied with)

  • Pets are not permitted in any of the Park Facilities or Amenities

  • Pets should never be left unattended and must be restrained at all times e.g. on leads, barriers or crates.

  • Pet droppings must be collected and disposed of responsibly. (Dog tidy bags available at office entrance).

  • Pets may not cause a nuisance to other guests e.g. excessive barking or intimidation.

  • Owners will be asked to remove Pets if these rules are not complied with.

  • Pet owners are personally, and financially responsible, for any personal injuries and/or property damage or losses in relation to any actions by or because of their pet.