What is reception’s opening times?

What time is Cabin check-in and check-out?

What time is Powered Sites check-in?

Is an early check-in possible?

Are late Check Outs possible?

Can I check-in after 5:00pm?

Can I Check Out before 9:00am?

Do I need a key for the Boom Gates?


What linen is provided?

Are the Cabins serviced daily?

Pool Towels?

Is there Tea and Coffee facilities?

Do we offer free WiFi?

What is included in the cabin kitchen?

What parking is provided?


Reception is open everyday of the year except Christmas Day. 9:00am -5:00pm.

Cabin check-in starts at 2:00pm and check-out is 10:00am.

Powered Sites check-in starts at 2:00pm and check-out is 11:00am  

Early check-in must be pre-arranged with Reception and depends on availability. Fees may be applicable.

Late check-outs must be pre-arranged with Reception and depends on availability. Fees may be applicable.

Please contact reception to arrange an ‘After Hours’ check-in. Balance must be paid in full and check-in Closes at 10:00pm.

There is a ‘key return’ box on receptions’ verandah for all keys.

The Boom Gates are non-operational. No Key required.

Sheets, towels, doonas, blankets are provided for all guests. 1 x set of travel shampoo, conditioner and soap provided.

The cabin is only serviced for stays over 7 days, which includes fresh linen and a general clean of the cabin. Replacement linen for stays of less than 7 days can be purchased from reception.

We do not supply pool towels, however additional bath towels can be purchased from reception for $2 each.

A welcome selection of tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits and milk is provided. For more supplies please visit our local Friendly Grocer or Woolworths. Some cabins have coffee pod machines with 2 pods provided. Additional pods can be purchased from reception.

We do offer free WiFi in some areas of the park, it is only to be used for general browsing, reception and speed cannot be guaranteed. The NBN network in town over peak periods significantly affects our own supply. Please refer to our WiFi Policy for more information.

All cutlery, plates, pots, pans, cups and glasses are provided. The kitchens contain a stove top, microwave, toaster, kettle and fridge freezer. Cooking facilities do vary between cabins, for more information please contact reception.

Each cabin has room for one car. Additional parking is provided next to reception and in the main carpark.

We have limited Boat Parking which must be booked prior to arrival (depending on availability).

Some Cabins have room for a small trailer or boat. Please confirm with reception prior to booking/arrival.